Automobile engineering is a branch study of engineering which teaches manufacturing, designing, mechanical mechanisms as well as operations of automobiles. It also includes branch study of mechanical, electronic, software and safety elements. It is one of the most preferred careers by engineers. The job opportunity as an Automobile Engineers is increases due to rapid growth of auto component in automobile sector. The automotive industry is very diverse, intensely competitive & highly globalized.


  • “Difference gives us competitive edge and more scope for development and innovation in our system so here at CPI Polytechnic we strive to be Different!”
  • CPI Polytechnic is a different Organization working for the benefit of the society in the National interest.
  • CPI Polytechnic is situated in the midst of Capital of Bangladesh. So we can provide student part-time and full time job facilities.
  • CPI Polytechnic provide to student Low cost High quality education.
  • CPI Polytechnic has a World Class Physical and Intellectual Lab facilities making us ‘A Center for Excellence’.